Tip of the Week

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

DIY Table Leaf Cover & Storage Bag

Anyone that has a table with table leaves to extend the table, understands my dilemma.  How do I store the table leaf without scratching it?  I finally came to the conclusion that the table leaf needs to be in a bag, which would cover it and make storage simple.

There are two versions of this bag:  1. with a zipper; 2. with a drawstring.  Using a drawstring is the cheaper version and may be easier if you have never sewn on a zipper.  Measurements for the bag can be altered if your table leaf is larger or smaller.

I used a twin sheet folded over to create a thicker bag and a drawstring saved from another item.  You can use items you already have or purchase new materials.  My twin sheets were leftover from a previous mattress that I no longer have and instead of turning the sheets into rags I decided to use one flat sheet for this project.


1 flat sheet twin or twin xl (or fabric to cover your table leaf)
1 cord stop (if using a drawstring)
1 drawstring that measures the length of the width times two plus a few extra inches, (if using)
1 zipper (if using)
matching thread

Note: All seams are about 1/4 inch
My measurements: Table leaf: 45in length, 18in width, Bag: 54in length (before drawstring loop), 42in width


1.  Measure you table leaf, length and width.  Add a few inches to each measurement.  If using the drawstring method, add 2-3 more inches to the length to make the loop area.  If using a zipper add 1-2 inches more to be able to sew on the zipper.

2.  Measure your fabric or sheet.  If using your own fabric, select a fleece, flannel or similar thickness material.  Cut fabric to appropriate length and width, you need 2 pieces or one large piece that when folded equals your measurements.  If using a twin sheet fold in half twice, cut only if you are altering for a smaller table leaf.  I left seams intact, folding and sewing over them to create the piece.  You may remove stitching if desired.

3.  Sew on zipper or fold over ends about 1-1 1/2 inch width-wise for drawstring and sew all the way across the width. (Repeat for other side if you cut the pieces separately instead of folding fabric over).

4.  Pin the long (length of table leaf) edge and bottom edge.  Sew.

5.  Turn inside out.

6.  If using drawstring, pull cord through and attach cord stop.


Step 2: Fold over for drawstring loop - matching seams of sheet

Step 3

Stitch along seam for sheet (not applicable if using your own fabric)

Finished Step 3

Step 4

Step 4 - again matching seams of sheet

Step 5 - Finished!

Cord Stops

Step 6 - Drawstring drawn through

Finished product

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